Thursday, March 1, 2007

Environentalist Wacko

Here is the question that keeps racing through my brain every time I hear someone like Rush, or Jerry Falwell, or others of their ilk deny the existence of global warming, and call it "junk science" and those who believe it is real "nut jobs" -- my question is this: What will it possibly hurt if we (the ones who believe global warming is a real threat) are wrong? In other words, if 50 years from now this is all proven to be a huge hoax, but we've all made changes to revert the effects of global warming. What if everyone in North America switched from regular light bulbs to florescent? Who does that hurt? The people working at the light bulb factory? What if everyone purchased an energy-efficient appliance next time they shopped for new appliances? Who does THAT hurt? We as a nation might use less electricity and therefore need to burn less coal, which also means we need to destroy LESS of West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky with coal mining efforts?

Who would it hurt if all vehicles were required to be hybrids, or at least far more fuel-efficient than they are now? Not that you would be forced to buy a whole new car in the next two years, but when you were in the market for a new vehicle you had many, many more options in terms of environmentally friendly vehicles? Hmm? Who would that hurt? The oil industry? Al Queda? Saudi Arabia? If we were using less oil would it also not give us far less reason to interfere in the middle east?

The thing I fundamentally DON'T understand when I hear politicians and talking heads scoff at the notion that global warming is real science, and that we are killing our planet at an alarming rate with our steadfast destruction of forests, our dumping of toxins into the atmosphere, and our (the collective "our") willingness to not be concerned about it as long as we get to drive our SUVs and keep all the landscape lights on all night to show off our McMansion in the 'burbs....the thing I don't understand is WHAT is wrong with believing the science?

Is it that the messenger (the dreaded liberals and Europeans) is the offender? If Shrub had said from day one that his most important goal in office would be to cut back on the effects of industries and causes of G.W. would the evangelicals been 100% on board?

I have not had a satisfactory answer to this. I've not seen a reporter ask any of the anti-G.W. loudmouths why they are so scared of it.


sgt@arms said...

Is this healthy?

Auntie K said...

What, for my mental health, or the whole global warming thing in general?

No, I don't spend a lot of time obsessing about it, but I do get my righteous indignation up when I hear sound bites from Jerry Falwall's "sermon" last weekend, or the Senator from Oklahoma (Inhoff?) declaring loudly that it is all nonsense.

I just want to know what is the harm in trying to make things does this cause anything negative for any of us?

Anonymous said...

whatever you do, don't look up a website called the "competitive enterprise campaign". i told you not to do it!! it's by far the scariest thing i've ever seen on the internet, including the library porn i glimpsed! is that word allowed on your blog? porn porn porn!

sorry. delete at will.

um, what i was going to say is yes, it makes us (re: big fat american oil tycoons) lots of money if we don't take global warming seriously. "we call it life". (did you look up that website yet? are you seeeeething?)

the plus isde is that......somewhere.... they've made it illegal to sell regular light bulbs. everyone has to go with the energy efficient kind, haha! i mean, they save loads of wattage, why wouldn't it be a law, like it being illegal to throw toxic sludge in the sewer, you just don't do it cause it's TOXIC.

where did they pass that law? canada? vancouver, maybe? or some scandinavian place, they're always to ahead of the game. wish i could remember.....

Anonymous said...

i just looked up the above mentioned organization (to make sure i had the name right), against my most earnest warnings not to go there, and narrowly escaped writing a harshly-worded email to someone, anyone, who might be responsible for such foolishness. that would've taken a long time, and i'd honestly rather spend that time before bed posting.... more comments!!! forget my blog, this one has a POINT!

Auntie K said...

I'm actually choosing to NOT look at the above mentioned website because I would rather not start my weekend getting even more pissed off than I am about all this. I hear enough stupid sound bites from idiots like Falwell on Air America.

Thank goodness for's the only way I can get my political groove fired up.

sgt@arms said...

Yes, thank heavens for XM! Without Bob Dylan's show (7 pm CST Mondays) and Sunday night Dixieland and lots of channel 60 in between, I'd stay too politically fired up all the time! Calgon, take me away!

Auntie K said...

Indeed....sometimes I actually enjoy listening to XMKids (116) while driving the tots around to school and play just to listen to silly songs.