Thursday, March 29, 2007

Perpetual Motion

I took my kids bowling yesterday. PE had been begging me almost daily to go bowling for a month now, but the weather has been too nice to go into a smoke-filled bowling alley, so I've put him off. But it rained yesterday, so we bowled. Actually, they bowled. Small children get a bowling advantage of having metal "bumpers" put into the gutters to keep the ball on the alley and it makes the game much less frustrating for them. Adults are not allowed to bowl in the bumper alleys because we would probably wreck the bumpers.

I was watching PE, who was very excited about doing this and here is my observation: The reason he is so fit is that he is perpetually in motion. He hustles at bowling...not a sport one typically associates the sports term "hustle" with. He grabbed his neon-green ball from the ...the thing where the ball comes up from the back of the bowling alley... and RUNS to the beginning of his lane and THROWS the ball, then stands there hopping up and down in excitement over watching it go, then RUNS back to the ball thing, gets his ball, runs back to the alley, throws it a second time, jumps up and down in excitement again. Even when MG was playing he BROUGHT THE BALL TO HER. She needs not even to move from the beginning of the lane....PE brings her ball to her. And while she is bowling, he hops around behind her as a sort of miniature bowling cheerleader!

Next time you go bowling, play it like'll burn a lot more calories, and it might be a lot more fun.


sgt@arms said...

You are, again, the coolest mom in the world. My parents never took me bowling- or took part in any other sports whatsoever. Unless you count miniature golf as a sport. But even then, I think it was more Aunt Liz who took us to Putt Putt! Your children will thank you for helping them to be much more well-rounded than Ash and me!

Anonymous said...

The only "hustle" I have ever seen on the boards is the "hustle" to the bar and the can. I have also seen frantic
searches for ashtrays.


Auntie K said...

Yeah, TG, Packer truly isn't a symbol of what most people think of as a bowler.

there's got to be some Big Lebowski reference in all this.....Jason?

Anonymous said...

Packer Abides.


sgt@arms said...

Do you mind? I have a beverage here!

Anonymous said...

speak for yourself, jenny, at least i can CATCH!

did packer keep shouting 'over the liiiiiine!' or, ' shut the f*** up, donny!'?

Anonymous said...

"You are entering a world of pain."
Walter Sobchek (SP?) to Smokey, about an over-the-line foul.

"I'm just going to find a cash machine."
The Dude, to Bunny Lebowski, upon her offer does one say?...pleasure. (Bonus points for how much Brad has to pay to watch)

"That's a bummer, man."
The Dude to The Other Jeffery Lebowski, upon hearing the news that Bunny had been "kidnapped"

"8 year olds, Dude."
Walter Sobchek, regarding Jesus' former occupation.

Which, of course, have nothing to do with the topic at hand. I just love the movie. Besides, The Dude does not hustle, being the laziest man in LA, putting him in line for laziest worldwide; just as Walter does not roll on Shavas (SP?)

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

"A hundred" is correct.

Anonymous said...

You should see KTBug bowl granny style, the ball rolls soooo slooowly - - PE could get another ball, throw it and it would still beat KTBug's ball to the pins.

Move to Bama. Our favorite bowling alley is smokefree & is automated! The guard rails go up for kids and back down for adults. It is a setting when you set up the scoring for the lane. Way cool! A bit humbling though since Nat usually beats me! But the best part of bowling with kids is the beer. They can be loud and I can drink beer. Too bad you can't drink beer at the park without having to worry about child services!

BTW, it is called a ball return. And even though I've been saying alley, my weird-bowling-alley-owning cousin gets mad because he insists that they are now called bowling centers. In spite of his weirdness, his alley is the best. They serve manicotti at the snack bar.


sgt@arms said...

I agree, move to Bama. Obama, that is.

Anonymous said...

Is this the bowling alley in Fenton? Next time you are visiting the kin in St. Louis and you go there call me and I'll meet you there, by golly. I've got to go to a bowling "center" where you can get manicotti!

Oh yeah, and computerized bowling alleys are only one redeeming feature of living in 'bama. You still have to put up with the gun-toting, commandment-posting rednecks. KY is positively blue in your red shadow!

Anonymous said...

Touché. Cheney is in town today for a $1K a plate lunch. I think I'm safe, I can't afford it AND I'm too young for him to shoot me in the face. Traffic on the other hand sucks really bad but I'm sure his Haliburton stock goes up as all of the underutilized SUVs use up all of my gas and pollute my air as they sit and idle waiting for his caravan to pass. Such an easy target, it's almost not fun anymore. (yeah, right. . . )