Saturday, March 31, 2007

Got all your eggs in one basket

Here are the spoils from this morning's Easter Egg Hunt at our church. The good news was that there was a "bouncy castle" for them to burn off some serious sugar at the event.


Nick said...

As they say, to victor go the spoils. So by that token I would say you have to victors. Quite a haul.

I hope no one was injured in the filling of those baskets.

Anonymous said...

No injuries in the egg haul. There will a LOT of eggs for each child to find. In fact there were so many it took quite a while for each hunt to finish. The kids looked like they were picking cotton or something out there.

sgt@arms said...

Wait just a cotton pickin minute... I thought you were trying to reduce the amount of Made-in-China plastic junk your children brought home?
I hope you're placing an item in next week's church bulletin to get moms and dads to bring all the empty plastic eggs back for next year's hunt. Signed, DINK

sgt@arms said...

PS- Ella said:
I'm putting all my eggs in one basket
I'm betting everything I've got on you-o-o.

Anonymous said...


I suggested that very thing. The eggs will be sorted and the viable ones returned for future use. Not sure what to do with all those unusable eggs, though. Maybe we can send them to Missourah for stem cell/cloning experimentation?

sgt@arms said...

I'm not sure the boy gov'ner will allow those precious unwanted eggs across the state line.

Anonymous said...

I think in Mizzery you have to keep them in your freezer until you find someone who wants them.

sgt@arms said...

I’ve got a great big amount
Saved up in my love account
And I’ve decided
Love divided in two
Won’t do

So I’m putting all my eggs in one basket
I’m betting everything I’ve got on you-o-o