Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Spring Training

From my desk I can see three male cardinals in a tree outside in our front yard. I am naming them Ecky, Jimmy and So.

Opening day is 26 daze from now.


Anonymous said...

Your comment have honor.

Forty days until our first game on the Pujols Pack (including today).

MJ said...

Baseball! What! How about a countdown to Cowboys Football. That is a countdown I can get behind!

As for naming the birds, that is just fun!

Auntie K said...

MJ girl, we are from Missouri, not Tex-ass. The Cowboys are only interesting to The Reenactor because of the cheerleaders. As for me, other than having participated in half-time shows in high school marching band I've never set foot in a football stadium. But since the baseball teams in your home state pretty much suck, we'll cut you some serious slack here.

And when is the last time you saw cowboys sitting in a tree in your front yard....hmmmmm?