Wednesday, March 7, 2007

cat scratch fever

(Left) The Offending Scratcher and Sneezer

For those of my kin who have cats in the house (and you know who you are) here's a question for you. Our Sassy has developed this rather annoying habit of not only scratching the litter to cover her poo in the litter box, but she spends several more minutes scratching the inside of the lid to the box. Covering her waste has turned into a part time job for her. Every time she goes she spends up to five minutes scratching away in there. The only reason I know that she's scratching the inside of the lid as well is that I walked into the room where the litter box is while she was doing it, and caught her in the act.

Is there a reason she is doing this? Any thoughts? She is almost obsessive about it.

My postings seem to be centered on bathroom topics tonight...both small boy and feline. My apologies. I'll get back on my corporate consumerism rant again in a few days.


Anonymous said...

1: cats are crazy and filthy.
2: They will get involved in some bizzare compulsive behavior. It's like Rainman with them, I swear if they do something 3 times it becomes ingrained.

I have adopted new strategery for dealing with our "mammal problem".
While the wife is a way in D.C. bringging home the bacon for G.C. our friends are enjoying life ouside the box.

I have not polled them but those on
the human side of the equation are finding the arrangement quite satisfying.

-That guy

Anonymous said...

"the box" being the house? the cats aren't allowed in the house?

sounds great- send them to the woods to hunt rodents!

as for the litter box scratch-a-thon, my cat does it, too. she just goes in there to scratch around sometimes. fastidious little creatures. i used to wonder whether her bathroom wasn't kept tidy enough for her, but after joining in her fastidiousness for a few days i realized that there was nothing i could do to prevent her from trying to get more cover from the imaginary source that is the side of the litter pan. but it still makes me wonder- when cats scratch around on the floor beside their food or water bowl it's supposed to mean that their food or water isn't fresh enough. i wonder if they think their poo isn't fresh enough.

Anonymous said...

something for everyone

Anonymous said...

sgt@arms said...

I think they just love to scratch. Matt, your kitty expulsion will have negative consequences upon my return.
Oh, my gosh. I just accidentally visited Quite a shocker!

Auntie K said...

Good alter ego is a British pond-hopping teen!

I chuckled when I read That Guy's discription of Life in the Absence of His Bride...or at least what the felines living at your house are experiencing. I figured your reaction would be...shall we say...not amused.

Anonymous said...

If by negative consequenses you mean a defeciency in the cat hair quota you are right. We are also way down on kitty urine soaked possesions. you better get home soon before the house becomes totally clean!

MJ said...

K - I have missed being there. I had to take Nickle to the airport this morning for a business trip - I hope to be back next week. See you soon! MJ