Sunday, March 11, 2007

no junk truck, no 'mo

We just rid ourselves of the second of two "junk" vehicles that were trashing up the yard of our house in recent months. A very nice man just gave The Reenactor good cash folding money for the old blue Chevy truck that has certainly seen better days. And my father-in-law drove off with my dad's old Craftsman lawnmower yesterday to donate it to a man in the Bootheel who apparently is fond of antique lawnmowers with Rotary Club decals on the seat that only turn to the right....a definite issue when mowing the yard.

So friends, the good news is we're still Getting Rid of Stuff.

The Reenactor also built an impressive fire in our yard this afternoon of Things I Decided I Could Live Without from our storage shed. Things that were no longer salvageable, but I was keeping them for sentimental reasons.



Anonymous said...

To be fair and balanced, I must chime in to defend my old truck's honor. OK, it was a crap truck compared to the new one, but it ran well and got me where I needed to go. Based on the original sale price, it cost $18.87 per mile, excluding tires (two sets), brakes, intake manifold (my fault), oil changes, gas, etc. etc.

The guy that bought it was a real piece of work. I don't think he had ever bought a used vehicle. He kept asking about insurance coverage and license (on your own there, pal). He brought reenforcements this time, and they both expressed concern about the mushy brakes. Hey, I'm asking $1000 for the damn thing, what do you expect - a NASCAR suspension? He also mentioned that there wasn't much gas in it last time he drove it. If SWMBO had been out there at the time, she would have him R-U-N-N-O-F-T. Finally got the deal done, with $200 off for the brakes. I was just glad to see the tail lights disappear over the hill.

#1, however, was not. I went in to get the keys, and told her I sold the truck. She welled up immediately and started to sob. Then again, she doesn't want to get rid of her kindergarten worksheets, so it's not that surprising.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was KY state law to have
one inoperable vehicle in the yard.
Am I wrong on this?


Anonymous said...

The Commonweath has worked hard attempting to remove this statute from the books. HR 112.12.78, sponsored by Representative Leonidas K. Bodine and Senator Jethro P. Bodine (remember our state motto - Five million people - fifteen last names.), has made great strides, but the bill has yet to get the governor's signature. It would allow homes of fewer than 12 residents to remove said vehicles, but the blocks would be required to remain, as part of the comprimise.

Similar legislation was introduced to allow Sunday alcohol sales, but was roundly rejected. "The Bible clearly states that selling likker on a Sunday is not only a sin, but makes Baby Jesus cry," stated Senator Bodine. "Of course, we still allow tobacco to be sold. Aint a word in the Good Book against it, and I'm pretty sure all the disciples enjoyed a smoke now and again. Remember the miracle of the 5 cartons and two cans of Skoll."

Auntie K said...

Thank God that Miners have liberal arts wives to question their equations from time to time. My response to reading the news that the Old Blue Truck cost us $18.87 per mile BEFORE the cost of maintenance had me saying "damn, that's high!"

So The Reenactor and I scratched our heads and reviewed the math with my non-HP-non-scientific calculator and realized his formula was wrong. It is really 5 cents per mile.


I might have taken Math For Complete Idiots at Drury, but even I knew that didn't sound right!

Go Panthers!

Anonymous said...

Imagine my surprise. I had no idea women could do math.

Gee, that sounds familiar.

Go ... uh, who are we again?

Anonymous said...

Oh Leonidas!

Anonymous said...

Ah hem. Them are fightin' words. Even for this dum chik from Bama.

'Sides, we upclass. Keep our extra vehicles in the back 40. Gotta' save the front porch for old washin' machines. And we need all the space we can find in the front yard fer our boatz.

Auntie K said...

'Bama yer boats have depth finders and glitter on 'em? And a cooler to stow yer cold beer?