Thursday, March 1, 2007

This Mama is Sharin' the Wealth

In my ongoing effort to purge my household of unnecessary items that are doing nothing but taking up much needed storage space I have come across an idea that I'm hoping to develop further in coming weeks....making a "bulletin board" of sorts online that my friends locally can access to swap, trade, sell and give away stuff we don't need anymore. I guess it would sort of be my own "Craig's List" but would probably be open to the other families I know through preschool or the newcomers group or whatever.

I gathered up a box of 15 books this afternoon that I no longer need to read (read 'em all) or want taking up space on a bookshelf, and emailed two different groups of women I know with a list of the books and the offer to give them away to the first takers. I've already gotten rid of half of them in just two hours. What I don't give away this way I'll take to the library for their annual book sale.

I also have a good friend here who is ebaying stuff for me. I give her a stack of stuff, she posts it and ships it, and hands me a check! Perfect! There is no local vendor for doing the ebay stuff like a lot of cities do, so this works out great for me, and her!

I agree with Shley's comment from an earlier posting that going to thrift stores is a great way to "recycle" things you don't need, or to buy things at a fraction of the cost that you need. I shop at several children's consignment stores here in town because I can often find good quality clothing for 20-30 percent of the original price. I also have a friend here in town who gives me handmedowns of her daughter's clothes for my daughter....her daughter is a couple of years older than mine, so it works out great....and we use the stuff and pass along the items that are still in good shape to another family!

So....don't throw it away....give it away! Sell it! Swap it!


Anonymous said...


oh, but the net is one step ahead of you:

wait, maybe that's not so much a swapping thing as a loaner thing.

anyway. shley's selling her unwanted books on amazon! someone bought by "looking for poland" (or some such silly title) book for $3! ha!! sure, i could give them away to friends and family, but who among you want books about darkest eastern europe? hm? ..that's what i thought.

sgt@arms said...

Does this mean the thesis paper is out the window? Or just the topic? Either way, Looking for Poland sounds like a pretty dismal read.