Saturday, June 2, 2007

Pork and Beans

Why is it that the big news organizations think that two of the top ten stories we want to see on their websites today are that the "wild" pig killed by an 11-year-old-boy in Alabama was actually not wild at all, but had recently been released to a "hunting" enclosed area (where he was fenced in to be hunted by 11 year old boys); and that Hugh Grant has been released from charges that he threw baked beans at the paparrazi.

Is it just me, or is this stupid? Aren't there truly more interesting and important stories we should be hearing?

All my kin who have ties to the media can refrain from answering my angst with all the corporate media cost-effective, who's your audience reasons...I know. Honestly, I know WHY these are two of the top stories (along with some stupid skydiver story) I guess my rhetorical question is just that...rhetorical.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i ahve to admit that the mental image of an irate brit chucking a can of baked beans made me giggle, but i agree, not exactly news.

in a somewhat related note- i went to the 'regular' grocery store the other day to get some 'regular' things. when i went to check out i was floored by the number of people waiting for the self check-out option when cashier number 4 was moving along at a swift pace without having PLU trouble and button confusion. so i go to number 4, only to find that the area where you stand and usually make mindless chit chat with the cashier was obstructed by a WALL of tabloid journalism. no chit chat, only me standing there reading about so and so's anorexia, occasionally poking my head around the obstruction to say 'thanks'. very weird.