Friday, June 29, 2007

Meteorologist in training

AccuPacker....that's what we're calling Thing 2. His Uncle "The Edward" will appreciate how he has put his hat from the St. Pat's parade into use as a wind-direction detection device. And his frog umbrella has been employed as a rain gauge. This isn't from the We-Need-An-Ark deluge we had today, but from a storm last week. He is very keen on weather now. If THAT isn't a measure of his Fillmer-ness, I don't know what is.


Anonymous said...

just don't let the little fellow climb up on the garage to watch for tornados, like SOME members of the family did at a tender young age.

incidentaly, i just picked up a book from the soft loft titled "storm warning: the story of a killer tornado".

sgt@arms said...

Better now sho him the NOAA website or he'll never get off the computer.