Saturday, June 23, 2007

hillbillies in a Crown Vic

This post has no particular point....just another of those weird things that has stuck in my apparently bored brain for five hours now.

I had to go to the Evil Empire (Wally World) this afternoon to purchase a box of DVD-Rs. Okay, first of all I hear all of you booing at me for going there, but I wanted to actually have a decent selection to choose from, and to be able to get in and out of a store as quickly as possible. This is another of those purchases that I don't really see a huge difference between buying it at W.M. versus one of the other big box stores. The darn things are all made in Taiwan, so it's the same difference, as we used to say in high school.

So I'm totally digressing here. As I was leaving, with Things 1 and 2 in tow, and our one little bag of purchases (DVDs and a box of Thing 1's favorite granola bars) I noticed as we were approaching our car a number of well-fed WKY hillbillies were loitering around the car next to mine. They were emptying out not one, not two, but three grocery carts of filled little white WM bags into the trunk of this car, which as it turned out, was a Crown Victoria. Let's just say none of these folks have been strangers to gravy, shall we? My kids and I managed to squeeze past them (I'm not exaggerating here) to get into our car, and once we started up and were ready to back out I realized that all six (or possibly seven) of the hillbillies had jampacked themselves into that Crown Vic. As I pulled away from my parking spot I had the vision that has stuck with me all this evening....a nice burgandy sedan fiilled to the brim with large folks wearing overalls and polyester. And in the trunk? A whole weeks' worth of Little Debbie, smokes and cleaning supplies.

I'll say this for least they carpooled.


Nick said...

You, know it could have been worse, they could have brought "the family" dog with them too. Because you know they were all related somehow.

Why the cleaning supplies? And what kind did they buy?

Anonymous said...

I'm just guessing at the contents of the bags...I didn't really see what was in them. Literary license, so to speak.

Let's just say, since you are from these parts, that the county identified on the license plate was just west of our own. Nuf said?

sgt@arms said...

Well bless their little hearts. No doubt it was a hot day for such an intimate ride across town in the Crown Vic. Did Things 1&2 observe this spectacle with any comment?

Auntie K said...

No, other than observing that it was hot as Hades in our own car, which seems to need it's air conditioning recharged.

This was simply just one of those visual moments that I had to commit to the written word.

Tonight we're goin' to the FAIR!

More observations to follow, no doubt!