Thursday, September 4, 2008

Proud to be an elitist snob

I appreciate all the feedback I've been getting both on the blog, and via email, about my recent angst regarding McCain's "choice" of running mate. I put that in quotes because I think down deep he's probably as alarmed by her as the rest of us are.

Even though I'm in something of a news blackout, I HAVE been listening to funny progressive talk radio (only the funny folks, not the ones who are too serious....I feel the top of my scalp start peeling off in distress if I get too far into this); and watching my beloved Jon Stewart take on the hypocrisy of what the Right is saying in defense of dear Sarah on one hand, and what they've said in recent interviews on EXACTLY the same topic (such as sexism, experience, etc.) about Democratic candidates. Do they truly not realize there are video tape archives of what they are saying on camera?

But I digress...I wasn't supposed to be talking about her. Instead, I'll say this. In light of the fact that she apparently mocked Obama for "just" being a community organizer, let me remind those of you out there who consider yourselves conservatives, your whole raison d'ĂȘtre is to minimize government intervention in our lives. Okay, well who exactly is supposed to organize food pantries, domestic abuse shelters, child advocacy groups, and suicide hotlines if the government isn't doing it? Have you (I'm referring to the collective "you" of the conservatives) volunteered to help with any of these very needed organizations? Have YOU stepped up to help someone who isn't able to pay their mortgage because they've lost their job and are in danger of now losing their shelter? No, I didn't think so.

And how ironic that the morning after McSame gives his acceptance speech the banner headline above his picture on news websites is about how much the stock market dropped in one day (over 300 points) after Sarah's speech (coincidence?) and how the jobless rate has now hit a five-year high.

He is promising "change" from the "liberal elite" in Washington. Well, who the hell are the liberal elite? Elite is the new word for "intelligent." I am elite because I think, therefore I can't be trusted to make important decisions. I am elite because I don't just accept the swill that Faux News spits out as "fair and unbalanced" without questioning the motives of the corporation behind it. For that matter, I don't just accept ANY questionable news story without looking for multiple sources.

Being elite means having the balls to want my presidential candidate to ACT presidential... not like a goofy, inarticulate good 'ol boy from Texas. Being Elite means I hope that my candidate can actually speak with inspiration and hope, not with sarcasm and fear. Being elite means I dearly love the idea that my candidate is funded by millions of donations from individuals desperate for a new direction for our country, not by corporations with vested interests in destroying our environment, and ruining our ability to have decent health care without going bankrupt in the process.

Being elite means I don't find a caribou-gutting, lying*, self-absorbed hockey mom at ALL suitable to be the vice president of my country. And I also don't find a geriatric man who uses his treatment as a prisoner of war 40 years ago as the main reason we should vote for him. Being elite means that I actually give a damn about how important a decision the presidential race is... I don't see it as being a popularity contest like American Idol.

I'm elite, and I'm proud of it.

*Fact check the GOP speeches...Sarah's is especially full of false claims.


shley said...

yes yes!

again, I am so moved by your eloquence that I am only able to repeat two syllables in response.

shley said...

letter to the editor!! this is so good I think you should send if to the "biased liberal media" that is the local newspaper. why stop there, how about the louisville paper? seriously, one of the obama volunteer options is to write local media, so think of it as your campaign duty.

Auntie K said...

Well, as much as I would love to make my contribution to the "Moon" as the progressive locals call our city newspaper, I am not willing to contribute any commentary to them. They are SO biased, and SO ultra-conservative in their daily letters to the editor and editorials, that most people who are "elite" don't even bother to read it. Personally, I only glance at their headlines online just to see if there is any critical news story I need to know about, and if there is I call someone who actually reads the darn thing to find out what it is. They are Faux News Print Edition.

I am trying to find a way to be a good O'bama supporter locally. I think as the election season progresses I will volunteer in some way. Right now they don't have an office here....they did before the primary but the Commonwealth went so overwhelmingly in favor of Hillary they shut it down after the primary.

Meanwhile...I'm donatin' $$$ baby!

He raised $10 million in ONE DAY after Caribou Barbie's speech!!!
