Thursday, March 6, 2008

the spin

I've actually had a couple of faithful readers (but not can participate too!) say they were expecting me to have a post about recent primary results. My response has been that I've been too busy to post about the March 4 primary, but that doesn't mean I haven't been ruminating about it. My middle sister told me this afternoon after we waxed political on the phone that maybe I needed to stop listening to the news so much...take a break as it were. She's probably right. I find I can get really overwhelmed with all the diagnosing of each nuance of each candidate's every utterance. Does it mean she's being mean? Does it mean he's weak on defending himself? Does that flicker of an eye mean she is getting angry? What does the use of the word "reject" mean?

Good Lord.

The need for the talking heads to keep talking to fill air time has effectively brought our election process to a months-long festival of picking at every single fiber of a candidate's life with tweezers until there is no possible way a voter can make a decision based on the real issues.

I'm very disillusioned with the DNC, and with the leadership which seems hellbent on screwing up the best chance we have at a national election in a generation. I mean, has anyone really listened to anything Shrub has been saying lately? He is getting more, and more bizarre with each passing day. It is only the fact that we are distracted by all these primaries that we aren't paying attention to him anymore. Shrub and his cronies have screwed things up so badly that only the DNC could miss this opportunity to sweep not only the presidential campaign, but the house and senate as well.

The good news about the March 4 primaries is that the results pretty much make it certain that my primary vote in May might actually count toward something....a reality that I didn't think would happen earlier this year.

So I think I WILL take a break. I will find something else to think about for a while.

Maybe I'll go to Wally World and find inspiration for another round of columns blasting THEM!


Anonymous said...

My fellow wonders Republicans here in Ohio. and maybe Texas, crossed over to vote for the H so that McC has a better chance to win in November...any comments?

Auntie K said...

I've heard that it was rampant in Texas....this crossover voting. The Rush-who-is-a-drug-addict was actually encouraging his listeners to do just that.

The thing to remember is how far down in the polls Obama was a couple of weeks before the primary, and how close he actually came to beating her...especailly in Texas.

shley said...

I agree that maybe a break in election news is a good idea- I scanned the headlines today (or was it yesterday?) and after reading that Obama was like Ken Starr, I decided to purposefully direct my attention elsewhere.

Elsewhere turned out to be an article from several years ago suggesting that shrub's speech patterns were suggestive of early dementia. We he ran for governor he was articulate and able to put sentences together, and we all know what comes out of his mouth now. The theory was quickly refuted by doctors since it had no corroborating medical evidence, but I thought it was an interesting notion.