Wednesday, March 12, 2008

c'mon, you've done this to your cat too

Since the political posts I've done lately haven't generated much chatter, I'll fall back to "cat wearing a cowboy hat."


Nick said...

Please tell me that is the family did you get the hat to stay on his head long enough to shoot the picture.

Auntie K said...

It is the family feline...the much maligned "Saffy." T1 was actually holding her in her lap, and stuck a nearby "American Girl" doll hat on her. The cat was truly tolerant of the hat being there...long enough for me to grab the camera anyway. I think she just keeps telling herself, "it's this, or the's this, or the pound."

Anonymous said...

photo no doubt subconsciously inspired by too many readings of
'the cat in the hat'

sgt@arms said...

Horray! Cats in Hats! You know what they say: if it bleeds, it leads — unless there's a cute animal photo. (They, being the editors of the world, actually spell it ledes, though, to avoid confusion with leads as in the heavy metals.)
My lack of commenting is due to the fact that ai've been too busy to check any blogs this week, not the political content. I agree wholeheartedly that it's absurd for the maligned wife to have to stand there while America collectively wonders, "why did he cheat on you with a hooker?"