Monday, May 28, 2007

Stop Loosening Your Skin!!!

It never pays for me to look through boxes of old stuff from my parents' house. I found this clipping from an old Life or Look magazine (not sure which). This wasn't the reason they had kept the clipping...there was a story about someone they knew on the back of this, but I'm still laughing about it.


Nick said...

Oh no...I just performed the test below and I'm quickly headed to the nearest plastic surgeon. Furthermore, I think this is the reason why my hair is falling out, because my skin is entirely to loose.

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't have to do the test, I know my skin is loose. This is rather a personal problem I know but I would just as soon not look in the mirror, push up my skin to aggravate the problem even more. Not something I want to see.

Anonymous said...

The scariest part would be if white arrows suddenly appeared on either side of your face pointing at the loose skin!

Anonymous said...

Oh...I wondered what those arrows were in the mirror! I thought I was just imagining them!