Saturday, May 5, 2007

The shrine

All right Kate's Campers...I'm accepting your most creative name for this lovely shrine to things bought at flea markets? I pass by this every day on my way to take Thing 1 to school, and it has always amused me. Bunny on the left holds a sign saying "don't even think of eating the flowers" (there are no flowers anywhere near this thing); and bunny on the right's sign says "Critters welcome." Most of the other things are teddy bears, except for the elderly couple looking at a book in the background, and there is a little boy doing something in there...and the rocks around it are mixed in with sea shells.

What is an appropriate title for this?


Anonymous said...

oh, the roller coaster of emotions that such a display produces! first: hm, that's pretty stupid. second: heheeh. then: oh, that's sad, what a lonely person must live there. then back to: what a retarded yard decoration- they can't even get the bricks straight. then: god, what if they ARE retarded dwellers within, what if this is a dear expression of the joys in their life?

maybe a kid made it.

Anonymous said...

Well, it reminds me of "design on a dime" but truly, I think it could be called the "I hope it's insured" shrine. or "I-HIIS" Wouldn't want one of those KY storms to disturb the peace, tranquility, thought provoking,loving, and butt dumb looking thing to blow away!

Anonymous said...

After re-thinking....maybe some little kid did design it as shley said. Thinking back on my childhood, I just may have done something simular. Just not in public view.

Anonymous said...

Hey that's my house:(

sgt@arms said...

I, for one, think The Grotto of ____ (fill in the street name) is very sweet. Somebody loves their little imaginary polyresin friends... unless, that is, this is a quiet cry for help from an elderly couple barricaded in their home by bears and giant bunnies.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is any cry for help (other than that the homeowner has an attraction for stuff found at garage sales); nor is it domain of a disturbed or lonely person (at least I don't think so, based on the rest of the property). There are little statuettes all over the place at this home. There are a line of eagles in various stages of flight across the front porch, right behind the recliner (yes, the recliner on the porch); there are other "critters" posed together in other groupings around the yard.

This actually is from a driving-by standpoint, a neatly kept home. The homeowners just like garden statues!

I think I need a gnome myself!

sgt@arms said...


sgt@arms said...

PS be careful what you wish fur.

Nick said...

My title is:

What the hell?