Friday, May 11, 2007

field trip

So it turns out to this novice public school parent that once the standardized testing is done at schools these days the whole idea of academic lessons being taught post-testing pretty much goes out the window. Thank you, Shrub, for that whole no child left behind idea. Apparently it applies to no child being left behind at the school from the field trips, movie marathons, fundraisers, etc. that spring up like dandelions in May.

So as to not sound TOTALLY like Scrooge here, I understand the value of rewarding the kids for a job well done in learning their material, and having some fun at the end of the school year. But, just this week, Thing 1 has had a "fun" day that included playing on an inflatable bouncy castle, watching a movie about Vincent Van Gogh (o.k.....THAT was cool); eating a ton of junk food; doing "gross" science experiments and I don't even remember what all happened.

Then the next day, her class (and I think some others) went on a field trip to ....ta da....Wally World. Yes. They. Did.

I asked her what exactly they did at WM, and she said they looked around the warehouse and saw where they put the bikes together. She came home with the second employee name tag with her name on it in a 6 weeks (see previous post "career day" from March). After WM, they went to McDs. So in one day they were "treated" to two major corporate experiences. And, for the record, once each week the lunch in the school cafeteria is Dominoes pizza. Thing 1 is now a fan of Dominoes, and only Dominoes. She is skeptical of any other pizza.

Granted, it certainly is NOT the first time Thing 1 has been in WM...lo, she spent much of her formulative years there. But I guess of all the possible field trips they could have made in this town that one seemed especially commercial in nature. There are museums here, historical and artistic; the library, the courthouse...whatever. Why WM?

I cannot remember going on any field trips when I was in elementary school. Of course that was a long, long time ago. So you younger whipper-snapper Kate's Campers.....what was your favorite field trip?


Anonymous said...

three favorite field trips:

wilson's creek- i fully expected 'bloody hill' to have red dirt from all the blood and to be able to find arifacts along the trail. neither was the case, but it was way cool anyway.

colonial bread factory: because of the giant kneading machine.

and, the field trip that happened on television via seseme street to the CRAYOLA FACTORY SOOOOOO COOL!!

i can't believe wally world was the reward- lack of imagination or true reverence to that corporation? or both? and to mcdonald's??? that almost deserves a harshly worded letter. why can't they go to a goat farm or some local....something?

oh, favorite trip #4 was to busiek state park. we saw a snake and the bus almost fell into a ditch at the turn-off.

Anonymous said...

Now, to be fair and balanced, part of the reason The Great Satan is so prominantly featured is that one of the kids' parents is a manager and probably arranged it, and they did not go to McD's, they had a Happy Meal catered to them at Noble Park. Still.

A, I am still wanting to get to Wilsons Creek and walk the battlefield with the official Army staff walk guide. Looks like a really good cross-country jaunt.

Maybe I can arrange a plant tour. My hand to God, I have had to give tours to third-graders at a major chemical manufacturing facility, with lots of things sure to produce attention-grabbing headlines. What bonehead thought of this?

sgt@arms said...

Best field trip: Brownie troop visits Hiland Dairy, circa 1980. Milk comes from tanker trucks! And we got ice cream at the end.
Second runner up: Colonial bakery- hamburger buns hot from the oven! Not sure I'd go on that one again, though, after one of the workers was killed by a doughhook. Knead I say more?

Anonymous said...

In first grade (we didn't have kindergarten) we went to the movie theater to see The Wizard of Oz--NOT MY FAVORITE as I was so terrified of that awful witch. I stopped watching as soon as she appeared, and Miss Deckard had to hold me on her lap and I hid my face for most of the duration. I still hate that movie.

My favorite was a trip to Mississippi when I was a Senior. Our Senior gals in Home Ec did a bunch of fundraising for it, we went in 3 cars with teacher and moms, stayed in a couple of neat old cabins, went through anti-Bellum (sp?) homes, and were guests at a southern ball. I LOVED IT!! Especially after reading "Gone With the Wind" that year (which I've read 12 times since).

Also, a "political" trip to Jeff City was routine when we were Freshmen and that was interesting. I'm sure we probably went to Hiland Dairy and Colonial bread factory, but it must not have made an impression on least not like Uncle Chuck's Bread place.

Nick said...

Two favorites: Turner Dairy-3rd or 4th grade, Ice-Cream, really cold milk, and I think a tour complete with cows and the whole nine yards.

Least Favorite trip: Rock Quarry, 7th grade, we didn't even get off the damn bus. We drove to Aurora to the rock quarry were bored stiff and went back to school (we stopped at McD on the way home.)