Wednesday, February 13, 2008


T1 was eating an apple the other day and moved some of the seeds around and decided it looked like an owl. Can you tell that cabin fever is setting in that I not only took a photo of it, but I'm posting it on my blog as well????????


Anonymous said...

in my deadwood rerun watching, cabin-fevered state i'd say that looks more like sweagin! than an owl.

Anonymous said...

More like Mr. Wu, to me.

While on an unsupervised shopping trip to Hell (tm) (the only plance you can buy sewing machine needles and socks at 6 pm (don't ask)), I was looking in the DVD section for the new Life of Brian release. They had the third season of Deadwood for $59, which is better than the $100 I have seen elsewhere. I picked up the box, looked at it, heard the reaction of She Who Must Be Obeyed in my head when I walked in the house with it, and put it back on the shelf.

Her reaction when I told her about it was, unfortunately, pitch perfect.

Of course I bought Life of Brian. Why do you ask?

Auntie K said...

Of course you understand that having JUST the third season of Deadwood on DVD requires that you also have the first and second seasons as well, additional purchases, no? And none of this "well I have those on tape."

You made the right decision, Buckaroo.—SWMBO

thinkingthings said...

You know you're in trouble when you've listed the thing for sale on ebay. And gotten bids.

sgt@arms said...

I congratulate you, Mr Reenactor, for resisting, because I suspect that the WalMart (that is what you're calling Hell, isn't it?) version of Deadwood would be heavily edited. Probably a different story line entirely.

sgt@arms said...

I congratulate you, Mr Reenactor, for resisting, because I suspect that the WalMart (that is what you're calling Hell, isn't it?) version of Deadwood would be heavily edited. Probably a different story line entirely.