Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Krispie Kreme stock

At dinner tonight the topic of "what would you do if you were President?" came up. T2's platform is based entirely on donuts. He said he would start an "international donut day" and would make sure that everyone has a donut on every major holiday...donuts on Valentine's Day, donuts on St. Patrick's Day, etc. The Reenactor asked him how he would pay for all these donuts, and without hesitation T2 said he would make them all himself.

How would the world be different if once a month everyone got a donut? To the skeptic, a starving person in Africa or India would eat it and not care that it was a sugary is food, dammit, and they are starving. Conversely, there are people in this country struggling to maintain and/or reduce their weight, and a donut would be an unwelcome temptation to their struggle. But to this particular six-year-old kid donuts are a round slice of heaven on Earth.

In general...if you can think of the joy you get from eating a really excellent donut...whether Krispy Kreme is your poison, or a local donut shop ("Red's" is our own) then you can understand why T2 made International Donut Day his priority. If we all had that happy commaradarie that comes from sharing a dozen with friends, wouldn't we all feel better? Wouldn't the world be friendlier if a coffee and donut break were enforced?

I guess my point is that donuts make a great peace offering. If you are angry at someone, take them a dozen. If you are wanting to get to know someone better, donuts make a great "welcome" presentation.

For the record, I like the chocolate iced.


Anonymous said...

Why just the other day in trying to describe how much I wanted something I used the phrase "I wanted it more than a fat man on six month diet wants a donut."

Not world peace, but a little donut offering

sgt@arms said...

Mmmmm. Donut. Has T2 actually made donuts in your kitchen? It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Greasy and dangerous and fulfilling.
The only time I've made donuts was while camping with a large group of hungry hippies-- over an open fire. Don't kick the deep fryer over when you throw on that log. They were, like all hot foods on rainy camp outs, DELICIOUS!