Sunday, October 26, 2008

Finally, recognition is achieved

I'm proud to announce that The Reenactor FINALLY has a "grand prize" win for his cooking. Our church held a chili competition this evening, and his chili took first place. It is a carnivore's delight with three, count 'em, THREE meats (bacon, pork and beef) in it, as well as a healthy dose of hot spices.

He has dutifully been crowned a "ribbon whore" by me.* He noted that in spite of the fact that the homemakers who judge the county fair and who have dissed him two years running on what we all know are prize-winning pickles don't ever TASTE the pickles, whereas at this chili competition the entries were actually sampled.

His prize...a soup cookbook!

There will be no living with him now.

* I heard the term "ribbon whore" on Prairie Home Companion last summer when Garrison was interviewing a woman who regularly wins more ribbons than anyone else at the Minnesota State Fair for her baking. She said that she and all the other women (and men) who compete regularly all admit they are only in it for the ribbons, hence the term "ribbon whore."


shley said...

I heard the original "ribbon whore" on NPR recently, too! She was being interviewed for some other show- apparently NPR loves her.

congrats to the chili-maker! bacon is a solid ingredient for most things, I think. maybe if there was a strip of bacon in his pickles the judges would see the beauty.

Anonymous said...

Hurray for you, Jason!!! That would be a fun competition at our church too. Was it a fund-raiser? AuntieA