Tuesday, April 22, 2008

women in comfortable shoes and colorful clothing

Yes, folks, it's quilter's week here in the western part of the Commonwealth. The show doesn't even officially begin until tomorrow night, but already there are hordes (herds? flocks? gaggles?) of brightly dressed women wearing sturdy, comfortable, but not stylish shoes walking around downtown, mouths agape at the possibilities of fat quarters* they can purchase!

Now that I've been very condescending about them, let me point out that these women (and men) do something I have no talent for...taking bits of fabric and sewing them together, sometimes with handstitching so tiny you need to be right next to it to see it, into a piece of art. It is amazing how someone can take a handful of mismatched (but color-coordinated) fabrics, and by snipping them into various shapes, then carefully patching those shapes together, often in quite intricate and complicated designs, they make something that their children, and grandchildren will cherish for generations. And those are just the traditional quilts. The quilters who make the "fabric art" pieces are just artists using a medium that most people think of as a means to keep warm. The "art" quilts use subtle variations in fabric color to create illusions of shadow, light and depth.

It's not too late! Pack your bags, come see the quilts!

*if you don't know what a fat quarter is, ask a quilter.

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