Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ring the Bell

At T1 and T2's school, the ultimate honor for having made an achievement is to get to ring a large bell in the courtyard of the school. Today, T1 got to ring it. The accompanying "certificate" said:

"T1" (not her real name of course) has shown winning behavior by cleaning the playground. She picked up over 100 pieces of trash without being asked to so so. She gave her whole recess to this job.
Signed both by her teacher, and by the principal.

T1 shared this honor with one of her classmates, who also worked throughout recess to pick up trash.

I told her I was most proud that she took the time to get the playground clean of the things other people just throw on the ground.

Now this is the same child who can leave a trail of debris behind her at OUR house, but at least she's making her effort for the environment at school this week.

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