Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I promise I didn't photoshop this....


Anonymous said...

Didn't blog it? Not even the "Hot Stuff" above it???? Ha!

Anonymous said...

Whoops--let me do an edit. Didn't Photoshop it, I meant.

Anonymous said...

This is an unaltered photo!!!! We saw this sign a month ago but didn't have our camera with us...on our way back from Spfld. this weekend we got the picture!


Anonymous said...

... I have no explanation for this.

in the days of driving to and from champaign, i tried to take a picture of a hand-painted billboard sign on I-44 that said "POLE 4 SALE" but always missed it. the humor was both in the silliness of trying to sell a pole and in link toa certain polish person i knew.

sgt@arms said...

Everything about this photo is funny. My, but they aim to please!

notafinga said...

But let me interject for a moment...

notafinga said...
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