Monday, July 23, 2007

yet another sign

I seem to be on a theme of finding signs that catch my attention in a weird way. I saw this sign about two weeks ago, but didn't have my camera with me, and had it with me when I was on this particular side of town again. My personal reaction to it is one of two things: 1) You can't buy beer in this town on Sunday, but by golly, you can get buy-one-get-one-free adult movies; and 2) when you think of Sunday do you REALLY ask yourself "gee, do I have enough porn to get through until Monday?"

Sorry if I've offended any of you, but this sign offended me.


Anonymous said...

To be fair the special seems to be limited to rentals only.


-If you don't have enough porn to get you through till monday you've probably already bought your beer.

sgt@arms said...

Who said anything about porn? I appears Adults are for rent.