Saturday, May 17, 2008

Robo-calls amuse me

Well people, it seems that I got my wish after all. My Super Tuesday frustration (see entry from Feb. 10) that my vote wouldn't ultimately play any part in the selection of the Democratic nominee appears moot. Even though things seem to be favoring Obama, I still get to actually vote and feel like I'm making a statement. Hooray! I'm part of the process!

"Billary" have been in the Commonwealth in recent days, including a stop he made yesterday in my own town, and just by driving around town I would say there is definitely a more distinct presence of her signs than Obama's. I'm not sure if this is a true indication of how people will vote....but it appears from the polling I've seen that O isn't expecting to win this state. STILL...I get my two cents in, and that makes me happy.

The robo-calls have begun in earnest. We probably had a dozen today, including one from Bill himself asking that I vote for his wife. I hung up on him.

I just wonder how many people out there actually LISTEN to these calls and make a decision on who they will vote for based on an automated, recorded message?

Probably the same people who voted recently in WV who flat-out told national reporters that they didn't vote for Obama because a) he's a Muslim; and b) the two races just don't get along (I swear!).

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